Should I Repair or Replace My Home’s Foundation?

So, something is “off” with your home’s foundation. Perhaps you’re experiencing cracks along the floors and/or walls, or maybe even gaps between windows and doors? Regardless, you have a foundation issue, and now you have to choose if it’s better to repair or replace it.
Of course, as with any decision, there are pros and cons to each option. Further, specific, individual factors will better determine what is best for you and your situation. However, whichever way you decide to go, our advice remains the same: find an effective, long-lasting (i.e. permanent) solution.
Repairing Your Foundation
To better understand whether you need to repair your foundation, you’ll want to have your property thoroughly inspected by a trained and experienced professional. This contractor will be able to explain to you how and why the damage to the foundation has occurred and what needs to be done to correct it.
For example, if you have buckling foundation walls, the solution will likely require foundation wall anchors or foundation piers. The benefits of foundation repair are that the work can be completed year-round and often takes a day or two to finish.
Replacing Your Foundation
If it’s discovered that you need foundation replacement, heavy equipment will be brought in to excavate the soil around your property to expose the foundation. For the contractors to get proper access to the foundation, anything around the foundation (i.e. steps, porches, walkways) will have to be moved.
Additionally, your home will have to be “jacked up” on temporary supports, allowing for the foundation walls and slab floors to be removed. Once the new foundation is built, your home will be lowered back into place. The landscape/property will be restored as much as possible.

Contact Sightline Builders Today
Experiencing foundation issues? Contact Sightline Builders by calling (707) 892-0671. We currently serve Sonoma County, California, working with both residential and commercial clients. We look forward to hearing from you.